Manuel Is An Important And
Necessory Man
I read something somewhere and felt like sharing it with everybody..heaz a part of it..
Manuel needs to be busy.If he is not busy, he thinks that his life has no meaning, that he's wasting his time, that society no longer needs him, that no one loves or wants him.
So,as soon as he wakes up, he has a series of tasks to perform:to watch the news on television, read newspaper, to tell wife no to let chilren be late for school; and other things like looking at the watch and making a few calls to assure that he is an Important And Busy Man.
If he's an employee he will make sure that his boss notice him coming office On Time.
If he's boss he will set everybody to work,and if there's not enough work he will invent them.
Manuel-boss or employee works all afternoon.He looks at his watch, its time to pack up but he still has to sign a document there, sort out a little detail, justify his salary and has make his parent's money to educate him-worth it.
He goes home, sits with his family for a supper, after making sure that his children have there homeworks complete he goes back and watch news (something must have happend in afternoon).
As he puts off his technical book he had been reading after news he goes to sleep after all he is a busy man he has to get a good sleep in order to carry out his work the next morning.
That night Manuel has a dream, an angel asks him: ' why are you doing this? ' To this Manuel replies that he is a responsible man
angel goes on-would you be capable of taking at least fifeteen minutes of your day to stop and look at the world, and at yourself and simply do nothing
To this Manuel replies that he would love to do that but he does'nt have time.
'you're lying to me'says the angel.
Everyone has time to do that.Its just that they don't have the courage.Work is a blessing when it helps us to think about what we're doing;but it becomes curse when when its sole use is to stop thinking the meaning of our life.'
Manuel wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.Courage?. how can a man who sacrifices himself for his family not have the courage to stop for fifteen minutes a day?
He goes back to sleep-just a dream -he need to get a good sleep because he will be a very busy man tomorrow.
Year End Saga - When Friends become Mothers
7 years ago