..thatz moi_in_the_pic….im tired n im smiling cuz my frend forced me!>
Oh!kay so i will introduSe myself to you im SOMYA! my frenz call me SamSter n i jus loove that name:D..lol..
I love myself but im not at all that 'proudy gal' with that fake smile on my face...
im very sincere towardz my work but at the same tym i jus loove partying..parting in the sense laughing and giggling at the market streetz with my frenz....i jus loove it.. thatz my gang of grlzz! Im second from right!>
So moving forward im in 10th grade n itz hectic trust me itz hectic but itz exciting..
And im new to this blogging thingee but im enjoing it..srsly.:Di don't actually remember when did I decided to write something...but i rember my heart saying "samster i thing u should do it the blogging thengee itz rocking" n so im hea..lol..
And...im not-that-gud-in-studies TYPE but i ll make sure i dont sit ideal at home wishing that a magic will happen and an angel ll come to me asking me my three wishes>! because i don't want anyhting for granted u know i want everything to harvest from my feild of hard work...i know this is geting very fanda thengee but_thatz_me
I HATE those who lie u know i am allergic to those people...why do ppl do thingz for which they have to do bad work-lieing- i mean. u know this lieing thingee makes a real bad image of that person..
and I also don't like people coping...be it fasion be it speech or be it style or whateva...i mean god have creates different people so that they can think differently...rite?
I am 14 yearz old and i have learnt a lot from the books i read
im a lil spiritual and i love reading such books..i read books like-notes to myeslf-u know they are really helpful...
we are jus social animals this books teaches us to become a human being..and not jus human being..A complete human being.....
and as a normal teen i love MEG CABOT Im srsly flatterd after reading the last part of MEDIATOR SERIES...itz AWSOME trust me_

ELse i dont think anything is left!>...is anything?..
well i think thatz all...this is my first blog n i thing ur commentz would make me a lil confident...
oh!kay then cya soon keep smiling....foreva n eva...
buhbyee!! luv ya all
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~hiya $aM$tEr.....
gud one grl.....pehle hi BlOg MeIn BalLe bAlIe hoGAyi...!!!!!!! well U deFiNeD yurSeLf PrEEtttYYYY well.....keep It RoCknG GrL...WWoooohhhooOOOOOOOoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luv ya LoooAAddDDDss$$$$$$
hie.... sis i loved your blog...i liked d fact that u r using your brains at right place....
luv u sis.....
hiyyooo samster, kya baat haii... gOoo... On... awesome... well seems lyk u got many readers here... !! n i'm one ov em, so, keep me updated wid yoself!! luv ya tons!! roosh
hi samster! :) this is Naomi, i am arushi's pen friend. She had invited me to read ur blog & here i m reading another interesting blog :) seriously, its nice & I feel like I know u. Great starT!! Hoping to read more frm u..
thanx Noami...im glad u liked it..
thanx rooshi..
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