Thursday, July 17, 2008


Hey!> everybody!...>>howz u ppl!?>
Finally the Exam are u know...over!>n we had a baad time collecting cares!>
so...the story starts from hea...
we got our bio paperz that day!..and hhmm it was our games period so we decided to play basketball...but thanks to SUN!>
it woz so damn hot that day!...that we decided to sit on the rocks.Me along with two of my frenz...
My mood was so damn off!>.that i thought of having choclate...i already had a choclate so we didn't had to go to cantene in that period
we sat down there having chocolate....we had just STARTED talking n then GUESS WHAT happend!>
My FRIEND saw Principal ma'am...she was looking at US..!>
DAMN man...we started running!>why on earth had i decided to run? ...DAMN that was my mistake...
we went to her when we realised itz too late to be running!......
n then she started off!>...she was like...

spend all ur lives doing kitty parties.
and blah blah blah....!>>.....
she told us to pack our bags and meet her outside the principal office!>

That time...i was chillaxed...why?
cuz i knew nobody is going to come n pick me up!>wow!
but i was guilty my inner self was hurt!.
when i was not bunking..n were jus chilling out in that hot summer games period! then should we listen so much from ma'am.....
whateva...i knew i wasn't wrong so i did'nt reacted much....said a little sorry to ma'am....accepted my fault and then wrote an apology letter to ma'am as ma'am told us to do!>
.......itz okay!>...........
but had to tell it to somebody!>so i told this insident to my dad..!> n asked dad not to tell it to mom...because i know mom will react in a strange manner!

my frenz automatically came to now abt this!>
I AM famous.!>lol....obviously men they are my frenz n had to know abt the insident!>
itz kk!>
doesn't matter to me much...but i swear i was not intentionally bun-king!>

when we bunk we don't get caught n when we don't....we get caught!
newayz!>rest of the day was also no that good....i was late for my tutions-10 min.!...
n then u know when everything goes bad we want that day to end up really fast!>>>>>
.....n today im looking forward to start studying>
letz see wotz happens next!>

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