31ST APRIL 2009
Shefu's mumma went to office...we got up..Aaki went to the market to buy herself a brush,a tooth brush with Shefu..we went downstairs..brushed our teeth..we then had breakfast..I had made cold coffee...but it could have been better..-this is what I fEEl...
Anyway..we had it..one by one we went to take bath..Aaki took bath early and went with shEFU to get her ear peirced.This was decided that very morning..lol...My mum knew I had to get a Haircut but she certainely didnot know that I was going to call her and ask her about getting the haircut..hehe..i just love This Side of Mine..
We then went to District Centre..straight to Unisex..Cafe Salon..I was nervous..common yaar...after all...I was going to get a Haircut..lolz....
And then after I had told them everything about what I wanted my cut to 'Look Like' they tried to use all their skills to get me cut as i wanted(i know my demands were like..a little tough to be fulfilled but they did a good job)...as they were procedding I was feeling sleepy..bored..although I had all my friends sitting there with me but still...
And then what i call MAGIC happend-the song 'Love Story' played..woohhoo..I felt great...
Half an Hour More and I was done..I Looked Good(FoR A change)..Satisfied...I then took a Hair Brush told the Hairstylist to just brush them up AnD gimme the finishing for THE PHOTO SESSION waiting outside..
Shefu asked "which cut is this?"I said laughing..."they dont have the namE it is newly discovered"..He said it is called..caf'e Cut..i giggled..and said.."the Name is newly discovered too?>..is it??" He said "OfCourse"...i came out laughing and giggling...and then the photo shoot...it was just awsome...
And Then we cAme down..giggling laughing...had a little doze of shopping..and then in hour..via metro went to where Rushi's dad was waiting...Aaki Me and Roosh came together...Harshi lives just nearby..so..not a problem...Viku could catch metro and go back via metro whenever she wanted....
******ALL IN ALL******
IT was FUnN!!....wE weRE fREe...FrEE To sHoP...fReE To MoVe aRoUnD..!!....aNd thE FaCt thAt u aRe wItH YoUr fRIeNdS EvEn MaKeS U FeEl bEtTeR!!....No MeDiCiNe oThEr thAn FrIeNdS CaN HeLp U WhEnEvEr u LoW!!..
iT FeElZ GrEaT!!..
PS. I Love u guyz.
OMG OMG OMG OMG !!! u enjoy "love storY"?? WOAH!!! thats like, 1 of my most favorite songs ever!!!!!!!!
thats like brand ambassodar of our group now..lol..
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